interactive beeing

Life is truly short, and as the years drift by I realize i have only a short time,to realize what i have to realize, connect with people on a maximum level, and melt in a meaningful joyful life

Friss topikok



in the monastery..

2007.10.28. 19:41 | imagepeace | Szólj hozzá!

" Do not judge or you to will be judged / Mátyás envg 7:1-2/Bet Jimal kolostor Izrael 2002 február..És ennyit fűznék hozzá ahhoz ami most, itt, ebben az országban történik. "for the same way you judge others you will be judged, and the measure you use it will be measured to…

Címkék: politika orbán gyurcsány tüntetés

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